
Hi, my name is Cory Robinson. Thanks for visiting my site! I have always wanted to deliver content through a cool looking blog site. Thanks to the ultra cheap cloud infrastructure of serverless technologies, and this awesome framework that I stumbled across called Noiiice, that dream has come true! After a bit of learning and tweaking, a i R P A was born!

My crazy journey has carried me from a B.S. in Economics and working in Public Accounting to becoming a Seismic Processing Geophysicist, then a business process Automation Engineer, with a stop for a M.S. in Applied Math along the way.

I have been through many challenges to get into the exciting field of technology where I am today, and one thing that has made this crazy journey possible is my thirst for knowledge. I may not always know what I'm doing, but the thrill of learning something new and figuring things out is what keeps me moving.

It is my goal with this blog to share content based on my learning experiences with automation, machine learning, cloud computing, and other tech so that so that others can experience parts of my journey and perhaps learn something new as well.

Ready to learn something? Come on in...

a i R P A Blog